Blik Calendar Widget 2.8.4

Download Blik Calendar Widget 2.8.4 APK for your Android Smartphone.

Current Version: 2.8.4

Requires Android: 2.1 and up

Category: Personalization

v2.8.4 update:


> bugfix: lost user rules fixed

> improved memory usage for user rules

> updated widget preview graphics


> 28 pictures updated

> bugfix: Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day now identified (with apostrophe on the end)


> added Advanced Settings option to turn off the AbsPixel Launcher-bug correction which caused a drawing issue on the LG G2

full change list:


Why use a boring calendar widget that only has words when a picture can tell the story better?

Blik reads your calendar and *automatically* shows the best picture for each event. You see a picture, the start time, and an important word from every event so that you can see what’s coming up on your agenda.

You end up with a quick visual guide to your upcoming events. Your calendar has never been easier to “read”.

The free/trial version of Blik comes with 350+ pictures and 700+ keywords rules.

The Pro version unlocks another 300+ keyword rules so that your calendar events are matched up to pictures even better.

You can create your own keyword rules for single calendar events in the free/trial version and in the Pro version you can create your own keyword rules that apply to all your calendar events.

Check out the Blik Settings screen under the Help section for helpful Tips (like how to subscribe to a holiday calendar).


Your personal information (READ_CALENDAR) – required to get calendar event information.

Network communication (INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) – required for Pro License Key check; advertising in free version.

Known issue(s):

> On screen rotate, sometimes Nova Launcher will not return the correct widget size, so rendering is incorrect. To fix, resize Blik widget.

> Widget appearance preview in Settings for month layout doesn’t draw correctly (it does draw the widget correctly on your homescreen though). — fixed in Jelly Bean and above

> Facebook events may be displayed with incorrect starting times. Use Blik Advanced Setting value to manually adjust the display for all Facebook start times.

> Facebook declined events will still show up.

> Larger widget sizes can result in out-of-memory crashes.

—=== When DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME changes ===—

If your phone is showing events off by an hour, you may need to power it down and reboot so that your phone picks up the time change from your cell provider.

– Important Note –

If you are having problems with your calendar events not syncing, go to for information and instructions on how to correct the problem.

Download Blik Calendar Widget 2.8.4 APK here.

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