Fraction Calculator PRO/EDU 1.2.13

Download Fraction Calculator PRO/EDU 1.2.13 APK for your Android Smartphone.

Current Version: 1.2.13

Requires Android: 2.1 and up

Category: Education

v1.2.13 update:

Solving inequalities with one variable, double tap ( and ) to enter less and greater signs

Linear and polynomial inequalities, x^3-4>4

Inequalities with absolute values, abs(2x+3)<=5

Compound inequalities, 1<x+1<2

Rational inequalities, (x+3)/(x-1)<=0

Percent mode, enable in settings


Fraction calculator with step-by-step operations. Shows results as you type. Graphical display of expressions with history. Use space to enter mixed fractions.


* Workspaces to work on multiple tasks

* Store often used expressions in a library

* No advertisements


* Step-by-step operations (option to turn off)

* Arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/,÷), hold / to enter ÷

* Powers of fractions

* Fractions simplification

* Fractions with complex numbers

* Decimal to fraction conversion and back

* Symbolical fractions and operations

* Integer roots simplification

* Pinch to zoom


* Linear equations x+1=2 -> x=1

* Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1

* Approximate roots of higher polynomials

* Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line, x1+x2=1, x1-x2=2

* Polynomial long division

* Polynomial expansion, factoring

* Solving inequalities with one variable, double tap ( and ) to enter less and greater signs

* Linear and polynomial inequalities, x^3-4>4

* Inequalities with absolute values, abs(2x+3)<=5

* Compound inequalities, 1* Rational inequalities, (x+3)/(x-1)<=0

Download Fraction Calculator PRO/EDU 1.2.13 APK here.

1 komentar:

  1. Calculator is very useful for Trigonometry, Calculus, and advanced mathematics subjects. There are also other calculator that are best for specific purpose such as fraction calculator for solving fraction problems. Scientific calculator is also best for Chemistry, Physics, and engineering subjects.
